Contact Lens Practitioners


Our clinic fits contact lenses to a variety of people and age groups. Contact lenses are an excellent option for people who want to have a break from glasses or who play a sport where glasses will get in the way or become a hazard. Contact lenses can also be used as a form of myopia control for children. There have been significant strides in the last 3-4 years in multifocal contact lenses. The technology of these types of lenses has improved vastly over the years and the success rate is a now a lot higher than the past.

During a contact lens fitting, the optometrist will ascertain whether your eyes are appropriate for contact lenses as well as identify which lens best suits your lifestyle. This includes long life or daily lenses.  The optometrist uses several testing methods to identify the best lens for your eyes.

The majority of people  are using daily lenses (single use). These are the most convenient and safest lenses  as they minimise the risk of eye infection. No solution is required for cleaning. We also fit long life lenses, which can be used for 2 weeks, 1 month or longer depending on the type of lens. These lenses require solutions for cleaning. We also fit rigid gas permeable lenses and hybrid lenses, which are used for more complicated cases. We also stock a range of  coloured contact lenses for those who want a cosmetic eye colour change.

When collecting your contact lenses, the optometrist teaches the you how to put in and take off contact lenses,  how to clean, manage and care for contact lenses to ensure eye safety. Depending on the patient and their prescription, certain types of contact lens fittings may be subsidised by Medicare.

Contact us to determine whether your condition is suited to using contact lenses.